Monday, July 12, 2010

Jewish Memorial

they must be grey
quiet blurs of humanity, tossed randomly
by Fortune’s dice

and there entombed
the whispers of many, cloistered echoing
to others, entice.

to be a Jew,
yes god forbid – and men forbid too
your right to Life

still yet You live,
In german shame, german stories,
german sighs.

How long the stretch
from block to block, each coffin
gently sloping rests?

How long the pain
from son to son, each man
upon other men impress?

I mourn for You,
my human brethren, as the living
must surely mourn.

I grieve for You,
and all the children, snuffed out
ere their candle shone.

yet make not Vengeance
newborn to history, must babes
this shroud of shame to don?

blight not their youth
with sin and gravity, for a deed
they could have forsworn!

So rest, so rest-
for now the living, all must Rest,
before the Dawn.

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