Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Dao ju Song Book

Ha ha, yes, huang cheng makes me crappy,this is something I wrote during huang cheng. It is a parody of the original daoju song , and it takes a playful dig at the dao zhangs, so they either love or hate me now. (: The chorus is especially crappy, but thats probably because it was written first, and it takes time for one to get into the more sentimental mood you know. Yep, so here goes.....


道长请你 不要太慌忙
放下天书 我有话要对你讲
就算道具 今天赶不完
要相信 团结 的力量

我在道具 短短几星期
却已感受 真挚永恒的友谊
让我经得起 路途的风雨
把这爱 放在 我心里

*有jiayi(有jiayi) 还有liting(还有liting) 
还有很矮的wee kuan (ha! ha! ha!)
尽量成长 还是没办法

道长是道长 始终很能干

We are planning to sing it to the dao zhangs...SOMETIME.

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