Friday, July 21, 2006

The uncomplaining bound,
The dust fine-ground,
Stone-for-a-statue waveworn pebble-round.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

blockage cleared

Liberation liberation liberation!

haha. not that my elation's really justified, since I've hardly been what (considering hwa chong standards, ok no, considering ANY standard) one might consider 'hardworking'. So erm yeah! So happy to be erh....EVEN MORE SLACK THAN USUAL. :)

(mailto:%&@#*$*(#&$(#$^&$. Forgive me while i try to get the fact that prelims are like around 6 weeks away outta my head. )

Anyway, back to the point of feeling happy. Now i can watch the world cup in peace! yay. Though actually i think my new found interest in the game is more because i don't want to mug rather than because of actual interest in the game itself. But in a way i am happy i got distracted, since that means that i can blame whatever shitty grades I get on the world cup. (A world event! FAR FAR more important than blocks!)

Funnily though, every team I support immediately gets kicked out of the game. First it was Argentina, then Ukraine (shevchenko!), EVEN BRAZIL (kaka!). -_- Maybe some sort of sadistic girly instinct is trying to put me off the sport. (What are you doing staying up late for soccer! You could be midnight shopping at suntec!) But yeah, blocks are over so soccer may prove to be boring again. Not that my interest is really authentic anyway, its a fickle on-off sort of thing, heavily dependent on mood, other leisure alternatives, and whether the team has enough players worth watching for factors other than their fancy footwork. HMM.

Lep was horrendous. I was so embarrassed during the paper because the teacher startled me THREE TIMES, making me jump in my seat and resulting in offensively loud banging noises caused by my knee hitting the table. All that spasming left me in cold sweat more than the fact that the paper was the most anal piece of examination i had ever taken. Reservist and a sunshine overdose make people cruel.

Huang cheng meeting tommorow. (: They seem so much less ominous now that huang cheng is over. haha. Good luck juniors. You have many seemingly insurmountable obstacles in front of you, and some are, but eventually even skinning your knees become a sort of pleasure. Approach us with caution! We might either be bandaid or salt. But not to worry! You'll recover, your skin will thicken, and you'll bear your wounds with pride! (to the extent of overindulging in them sometimes. haha.)

- I apologise for putting it in such an icky biological way. Pardon my lack of more aesthetic analogies. -

But yeah, all problems resolve themselves! It might seem like crap at the start, crap in the middle and crap at the end, just that at the end the crap is in the very fact that it has to end! Beneath this seemingly masochistic human behaviour there is a value in the huang cheng experience that only you and your batch will slowly define and understand. (since every batch takes something unique out of huang cheng) So just believe in yourselves and your batchmates!


Actually I also don't know why i am suddenly saying all this. Maybe it's because I remembered the fear and apprehension when I just got appointed. Its not so much the real difficulty of the work itself as is the sense of bewilderedness at the sheer perceived impossibility of the task. But I guess once you get past the fear and get to the work everything seems to become much more manageable. Sure, there will be hiccups along the way, but really, as long as everyone's moving in the right direction why worry about veering off course? I must say I enjoyed the journey. Its almost like a bullock cart ride, every bump just made us cling together tighter, every bump just made the whole experience more worthy of recollection.